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Get in Touch Follow us on social media Linkedin Instagram Yactraq HQ Yactraq Online, Inc. Suite 369 800-15355 24th Avenue Surrey, BC, V4A 2H9, Canada Phone Number (001) 877 329 3209 Email Address Location1 n t 123 Street n t Address2 n Location2 123 Street Address2 Location3 n t 123...
About Us Our Vision & Pedigree Yactraq is a speech analytics vendor with a clear vision statement. Yactraq provides a platform to listen to and translate omnichannel data into meaningful information. Yactraq will continue to invest, develop, and bring to market technological advancement in the ...
What language are available? Yactraq supports multiple languages viz American English, Arabic Bulgaria, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Global English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Mandarin, Norwegian, Polish, Portu...
The Yactraq Product Support Group work with our customers and partners to provide a single point of contact for all product related issues. They are responsible for feeding back continuous improvement of product affordability, reliability, and supportability made by our customers to our Development ...
Leadership Team Jeh Daruvala Founder & CEO Linkedin Jeh has 22 years of entrepreneurial, investment banking, product management and business/systems analysis experience in information technology at startups, Microsoft, T-Mobile, TELUS, Avendus Advisors, Gateway Capital. Before migrating to Canad...
Why Partner With Us Our partners are the driving force behind everything we do. From the very beginning, our approach has been built on strong relationships, trust, and always working in collaboration with our partners. Partnering with Yactraq, means that we’ll always have your back, and we are fu...